Your Donations Save Lives

Supporting MALS means access to legal representation for individuals and families facing critical and life-threatening situations, such as domestic violence. These are people from all walks of life that simply don’t have the means to get proper legal representation. These members of our community deserve the opportunity to live a life without fear, a life without abuse — a life of freedom.

By donating, you are helping to pay the attorney costs for people like single mothers fighting for custody against their abusers or victims of domestic violence seeking divorce.

Domestic Violence by the Numbers

Memphis Area Legal Services, Inc. (MALS) helps thousands of individuals and families year after year. This is an example of the extraordinary assistance our staff provides to clients.  The stories are factual, but the names have been changed to maintain confidentiality.

Lori – Domestic Violence Divorce

Lori, with two small children called the police to report an incident of domestic violence; however, when police arrived they were unable to understand our client due to her inability to speak English. The police interviewed her husband, who was the abuser, and left without taking a report. Our client fled to another state with the children to stay with a family member, and her husband hired an attorney who filed for and obtained temporary legal custody. This required our client to return to Tennessee with the children. Her husband then made a request for the District Attorney’s Office to have a warrant issued for our client’s arrest for custodial interference. We were able to refer the client to a legal services program in the state where she was seeking shelter, and she and the children were granted an order of protection against her husband. We worked with the District Attorney’s Office and the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office to ensure a warrant would not be issued for our client. We drafted pleadings to reverse the temporary order of custody which had been granted to the husband. He was arrested for domestic assault and charges are still pending. His attorney dismissed the pending litigation, which included the order awarding custody to her husband. Our client was able to escape an abusive marriage, and she and her children remain with her family out of state, safe from the abuser.



Support MALS

Support for MALS is support for the whole community. More than ever, families and individuals need legal help that they can’t afford. MALS is building a comprehensive network of resources with your donations.

A stronger network means that the women and children in our community have the support, safety and justice that they deserve.

Together with our partners, MALS empowers underserved communities, connecting them with a network of information, resources and assistance they desperately need.


+1 (901) 523-8822


22 N. Front St. #1100


+1 (901) 523-8822


22 N. Front St. #1100

*Statistics provided by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

**Statistics provided by Project Sanctuary

****Statistics provided by Futures Without Violence